Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Feedback 27-06-2012

  • Environment overview:
    • Light dark domain with a discrete state space (grid world)
    • If a move would end outside of the grid, the agent enters the grid again on the opposite side (e.g., agent leaves on the left side and enters on the right side)
    • Initial belief: uniform over all possible states (except for goal state)
    • Current set-up (A=agent, G=goal, L=light):

  • Behavior of the agent:
    • No tendency to go in a particular direction in the first step
  • Belief update: There seems to be something incorrect with either taking the probability density function to update the belief or with the probability density function itself (it gives probabilities > 1 which is not correct)
  • Implemented a visualization tool for the tree:

1 comment:

  1. Belief update: the belief update is actually correct. Even if the PDF gives high values, they are taken care of by the normalization factor of the Bayes update. In addition, I think that the bivariate Gaussian for the observation function in the light-dark domain can be simplified to the product of two univariate Gaussians because the variables involved in the observation are independent.
